The two noteworthy sorts of lung cancer are non-little cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and little cell lung cancer (SCLC). Roughly 85% of all lung cancers are non-little cell lung cancer, while around 10-15% are little cell lung cancer. A third sort, lung carcinoid tumor, contains under 5% of lung cancer analyze. Non-little cell lung cancer can be subdivided into a few sorts, including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and vast cell carcinoma.
A substantial larger part of patients with lung cancer have a past filled with cigarette smoking. As anyone might expect, the danger of creating lung cancer increments with the measure of cigarette presentation (estimated by the quantity of packs of cigarettes smoked and in addition the quantity of years of smoking). In those people who quit smoking, the danger of creating lung cancer diminishes proportionate to the quantity of years of restraint, yet never abatements to the level of somebody who never smoked. Numerous non-smokers who create lung cancer were presented to elevated amounts of second-hand smoke.
Other hazard factors for developing lung cancer include:
• Asbestos exposure
• Heavy metal exposure (arsenic, cadmium, vinyl chloride, nickel, coal, beryllium, mustard gas)
• Radon exposure
• Diesel exhaust
• Radiation therapy for another cancer (breast, lymphoma)
There is much debate as to the need for lung cancer screening, which typically includes imaging such as a chest x-ray or spiral CT scan. Most authorities agree that screening is appropriate in high-risk populations such as heavy smokers and those with significant environmental exposure to known carcinogens.
Symptoms of lung cancer can include:
• Chronic cough
• Cough with yellow, white, or blood-tinged sputum
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain
• Hoarse voice
• Weight loss (typically seen in advanced lung cancer)
If symptoms and/or imaging suggest lung cancer, a definitive diagnosis must be made with a biopsy. This biopsy typically occurs with the aid of CT- or ultrasound-guidance. Lymph nodes might also be biopsied if they appear suspicious.
It is important to distinguish between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, because they are treated differently. Sometimes, surgery can be performed to remove the tumor if it is in an accessible location. The extent of spread of the cancer to other sites must also be taken into consideration when planning treatment.
As with most cancers, conventional treatment options typically consist of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In integrative oncology, we do not stop there. We also consider many other patient factors, including:
• Chronic medical problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and digestive issues
• Previous medical history
• Diet and nutritional status
• Activity level and mobility
• Environmental exposures in the home and at work
• Sources of stress
• Treatment goals
• Support system, including family and friends
With all of these variables to consider, it becomes apparent that each cancer is unique. Dr. Stegall reviews your case very carefully, and after thorough discussion with you, a personalized treatment plan is generated which fits your specific situation. Once the roadmap is created, we have many tools at our disposal. These tools include advanced testing as well as innovative therapies that are on the cutting edge of science. Dr. Stegall feels strongly that the application of these treatments in a customized way for each patient is the future of cancer care. Source Advance-Med