There are a multitude of different types of insurance policies available, and virtually any individual or business can find an insurance company willing to insure them, for a price. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners, and life. Most individuals in the United States have at least one of these types of insurance, and car insurance is required by law.
Businesses require special types of insurance policies that insure against specific types of risks faced by the particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant needs a policy that covers damage or injury that occurs as a result of cooking with a deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk but does require coverage for damage or injury that could occur during test drives. There are also insurance policies available for very specific needs, such as kidnap and ransom (K&R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Insurance Policy Components

When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works. Three important components of insurance policies are the premium, policy limit, and deductible. A firm understanding of these concepts goes a long way in helping you choose the policy that best suits your needs.
A policy's premium is its price, typically expressed as a monthly cost. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your business's risk profile, which may include creditworthiness. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies; so, finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork.
The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss.  Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum.  Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums.  For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured.
The deductible is a specific amount the policy-holder must pay out-of-pocket before the insurer pays a claim.  Deductibles serve as deterrents to large volumes of small and insignificant claims.  Deductibles can apply per-policy or per-claim depending on the insurer and the type of policy.
Policies with very high deductibles are typically less expensive because the high out-of-pocket expense generally results in fewer small claims. In regards to health insurance, people who have chronic health issues or need regular medical attention should look for policies with lower deductibles. Though the annual premium is higher than a comparable policy with a higher deductible, less expensive access to medical care throughout the year may be worth the trade-off.

Damaged Organs Restored to Life in Novel Experiments

Damaged Organs Restored to Life in Novel Experiments

When Georgia Bowen was born by emergency cesarean on May 18, she took a breath, threw her arms in the air, cried twice, and went into cardiac arrest.

The baby had a heart attack, most likely while she was still in the womb. Her heart was profoundly damaged; a large portion of the muscle was dead, or nearly so, leading to the cardiac arrest.

Doctors kept her alive with a cumbersome machine that did the work of her heart and lungs. The physicians moved her from Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was born, to Boston Children’s Hospital and decided to try an experimental procedure that had never before been attempted in a human being following a heart attack.

They would take a billion mitochondria — the energy factories found in every cell in the body — from a small plug of Georgia’s healthy muscle and infuse them into the injured muscle of her heart.

Mitochondria are tiny organelles that fuel the operation of the cell, and they are among the first parts of the cell to die when it is deprived of oxygen-rich blood. Once they are lost, the cell itself dies.

But a series of experiments has found that fresh mitochondria can revive flagging cells and enable them to quickly recover.

In animal studies at Boston Children’s Hospital and elsewhere, mitochondrial transplants revived heart muscle that was stunned from a heart attack but not yet dead, and revived injured lungs and kidneys.

Infusions of mitochondria also prolonged the time organs could be stored before they were used for transplants, and even ameliorated brain damage that occurred soon after a stroke.

In the only human tests, mitochondrial transplants appear to revive and restore heart muscle in infants that was injured in operations to repair congenital heart defects.

For Georgia, though, the transplant was a long shot — a heart attack is different from a temporary loss of blood during an operation, and the prognosis is stark. There is only a short time between the onset of a heart attack and the development of scar tissue where once there were living muscle cells.

The problem was that no one knew when the baby’s heart attack had occurred. Still, said Dr. Sitaram Emani, a pediatric heart surgeon who administered the transplant, there was little risk to the infant and a chance, though slim, that some cells affected by her heart attack might still be salvageable.

The idea for mitochondrial transplants was born of serendipity, desperation and the lucky meeting of two researchers at two Harvard teaching hospitals — Dr. Emani at Boston Children’s and James McCully at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Dr. Emani is a pediatric surgeon. Dr. McCully is a scientist who studies adult hearts. Both were wrestling with the same problem: how to fix hearts that had been deprived of oxygen during surgery or a heart attack.

“If you cut off oxygen for a long time, the heart barely beats,” Dr. McCully said. The cells may survive, but they may never fully recover.

While preparing to give a talk to surgeons, Dr. McCully created electron micrographs of damaged cells. The images turned out to be revelatory: The mitochondria in the damaged heart cells were abnormally small and translucent, instead of a healthy black.


The mitochondria were damaged — and nothing Dr. McCully tried revived them. One day, he decided simply to pull some mitochondria from healthy cells and inject them into the injured cells.

Working with pigs, he took a plug of abdominal muscle the size of a pencil eraser, whirled it in a blender to break the cells apart, added some enzymes to dissolve cell proteins, and spun the mix in a centrifuge to isolate the mitochondria.

He recovered between 10 billion and 30 billion mitochondria, and injected one billion directly into the injured heart cells. To his surprise, the mitochondria moved like magnets to the proper places in the cells and began supplying energy. The pig hearts recovered.

Meanwhile, Dr. Emani was struggling with the same heart injuries in his work with babies.

Many of his patients are newborns who need surgery to fix life-threatening heart defects. Sometimes during or after such an operation, a tiny blood vessel gets kinked or blocked.

The heart still functions, but the cells that were deprived of oxygen beat slowly and feebly.

He can hook the baby up to a machine like the one that kept Georgia Bowen alive, an extracorporeal membrane oxygenator, or Ecmo. But that is a stopgap measure that can work for only two weeks. Half of the babies with coronary artery problems who end up on an Ecmo machine die because their hearts cannot recover.

But one day Dr. Emani was told of Dr. McCully’s work, and the two researchers met. “It was almost an ‘aha’ moment,” Dr. Emani said.

The main problem is a scarcity of patients. Even if every pediatric center in the United States participated, along with every infant with injured heart muscle, it still would be hard to enroll enough participants in the trial.

But what about adult heart patients? Researchers are hoping that mitochondrial transplants also can repair heart muscle damaged during heart attacks in adults. And finding enough of those patients should not be an issue, said Dr. Peter Smith, chief of cardiothoracic surgery at Duke University.

Already researchers are planning such a trial. The plan is to infuse mitochondria or a placebo solution into the coronary arteries of people having bypass surgery or — an even more dire situation for the heart — having both bypass and valve surgery.

The patients would be those whose hearts are so damaged that it would be difficult to wean them from heart-lung machines after surgery. For these desperate patients, mitochondrial transplants “are a really intriguing option,” Dr. Smith said.

“The likelihood is very high” that the study will begin next year, said Annetine Gelijns, a biostatistician at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Source

Sonali Bendre:Metastatic Cancer

Sonali Bendre:Metastatic Cancer

The news about Bollywood actor Sonali Bendre suffering from high-grade cancer left her friends and fans shocked on Wednesday. Releasing a statement, the actor revealed, “Sometimes when you least expect it, life throws you a curveball. I have recently been diagnosed with high-grade cancer that has metastasized, which we frankly did not see coming.” As soon as Sonali tweeted about her medical condition, love and best wishes started pouring in for the Sarfarosh actor. Seeing the love and considering the actor’s fighter attitude, Sonali’s sister-in-law Shrishti Arya is positive that she will be cured soon.

“Sonali is a fighter. She will definitely prevail. She has a lot of positive energy. She will be back. We are all very grateful for the outpouring of love,” Shrishti said during an interview with In the interaction, Shrishti also mentioned how it was as sudden and shocking for her family as it was for the fans of the actor. She said, “Yes, it happened suddenly. Aisi sab baatein suddenly hi hoti hain.”

Sonali Bendre diagnosed with metastatic cancer

sonali bendre diagnosed with cancer Sonali Bendre diagnosed with cancer: The actor shared the news about her medical condition on social media.

Sonali in her statement also mentioned, “There is no better way to tackle this than to take swift and immediate action. And so, as advised by my doctors, I am currently undergoing a course of treatment in New York. We remain optimistic and I am determined to fight every step of the way. What has helped has been the immense outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past few days, for which I am very grateful.”

The actor is in New York with husband Goldie Behl and is undergoing treatment. She was visited by Akshay Kumar recently and was showered with a lot of blessings from her industry friends like Farah Khan, Sonam Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Vivek Oberoi and others.
Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

The top benefits of using onion juice include its ability to moisturize the skin, improve follicle health, prevent infection, relieve inflammation, slow the graying of hair, and stimulate circulation.

Improves Circulation

The active ingredients in onions are known to increase circulation under the skin, which can drive important nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, thus stimulating hair growth and improving healing.

Reduces Inflammation

The antioxidants in onion juice make it ideal for soothing inflammation of the scalp, which can often lead to dry skin or impaired function of the hair follicles. By reducing this inflammation, you can cut down on dandruff and lower your chance of infection from open wounds.

Prevents Graying of Hair

Onions possess an antioxidant enzyme called catalase, the lack of which can lead to premature graying of the hair. Without this compound, hair becomes weaker and is more likely to fall once it changes color; the regular application of onion juice for hair growth can ensure this doesn’t happen.onion juice for hair

Protects from Infection

Various fungal, bacterial or viral infections can affect the scalp and lead to hair loss, and also impede further hair growth. Onion juice has a number of antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that can protect against pathogens that may lower hair follicle function.

Moisturizes the Scalp

Onion juice has an invigorating and moisturizing effect  on the scalp, which can help prevent dry skin and provide the hydration that hair follicles need to grow.

Improves Follicle Health

Onion juice is extremely dense in nutrients and minerals, many of which the hair require to grow [2], such as sulfuric compounds. Directly massaging onion juice into the scalp and hair can stimulate the growth of hair from unhealthy follicles and maintain normal growth from healthy follicles.

How to Make Onion Juice?

It is popular to make your own onion juice for hair growth at home, as it isn’t the most common vegetable juice on the market.


2 large yellow onions


Step 1 – Wash and peel the onions. Chop them into quarters or smaller chunks.
Step 2 – Add the onions to your blender and blend for 1-2 minutes.
Step 3 – Strain the onion juice through a sieve or cheesecloth.
Step 4 – Press the onion pulp to extract as much juice as possible.
Step 5 – Refrigerate the onion juice until you are ready to use it.

How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth?

Although most people consume vegetable juice for its many health benefits, you should topically apply onion juice for hair growth, as this is a more direct way of delivering the nutrients to the areas of your body that need it most.

Step 1 – Massage the onion juice into the scalp and any bald patches that may be appearing.
Step 2 – Leave the onion juice in your hair for 15-20 minutes.
Step 3 – Wash out the onion juice with warm water and a mild shampoo.
Step 4 – Repeat this process daily for best results.

Note: You may add honey to the onion juice to increase its efficacy and further enrich your hair follicles.

Side Effects of Onion Juice

There are some notable side effects of using onion juice for hair growth, including an itchy scalp, eczema, and even a burning sensation, as well as the potential for allergic reactions.

  • Itchiness and Burning: Due to the high sulfur content found in onion juice, it is known to create itchiness on the scalp, which can escalate to a burning sensation and excessive scratching. This can lead to more inflammation, open wounds that are ripe for infection, and an increase in dandruff and dry skin, none of which help symptoms of hair loss.

  • Eczema: Topical scalp eczema has been reported in people with sensitive skin who use onion juice for hair growth. Speak with a doctor before using this juice if you have sensitive skin on other parts of your body.

  • Allergic Reactions: Some people do have topical allergies to onions, and while most people are likely aware of these allergies, the concentrated nature of onion juice may have unexpected side effects, such as inflammation, hives, and rashes on the hands and scalp.

Lose Weight & Belly Fat Using Coconut Oil

Lose Weight & Belly Fat Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has become highly sought after in recent years due to the wide range of health effects that it is proposed to have, but it has been a mainstay in traditional medicine for generations. While some people simply lump coconut oil in with a large number of other alternative cooking oils, the unique chemical composition of coconut oil makes it stand out in a crowd. This oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, namely capric acid, caprylic acid and lauric acid, which have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This is why coconut oil is so commonly sought after for hair and skin cosmetic products, but its effect on weight loss is truly impressive.On the off chance that you need to get in shape utilizing coconut oil, it is best to devour it thirty minutes Before every supper, and many people commonly blend it with a little measure of warm water or home grown tea. This can expand sentiments of completion and furthermore enhance assimilation. A decent add up to utilize is close to 1.5 tablespoons of coconut oil before every one of the three dinners. Begin with littler sums, as coconut oil can function as a ground-breaking purgative. Everyone is extraordinary, so begin with littler sums and gradually increment your day by day dose until the point when you achieve a level that gives you the outcomes you need, with no undesired symptoms.

Prevents Fat Storage

One of the primary health advantages that this oil delivers is in the form of saturated fats. Most people hear the word fat and think that it is a negative aspect of a food, but saturated fats come in many forms, and the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil are quite unique. Unlike long-chain fatty acids, these MCFAs are able to easily permeate cell membranes and are easily digested by the body. Furthermore, they are not stored as fat but instead delivered directly to the liver to be converted into energy.

Boosts Metabolism

One of the most passive ways to help increase weight loss is to boost your metabolism. Coconut oil, as mentioned, contains high levels of medium-chain fatty acids, and research has directly linked these MCFAs to increased energy expenditure over the course of a day, meaning that your body’s fat-burning efficiency is increased when these types of fats are introduced to your diet.

Reduces Appetite

When you consume this beneficial oil before having each of your meals, it can significantly reduce your appetite, which results in less calorie intake. It is believed that this appetite suppression [3] is due to how medium-chain fatty acids are metabolized by the body. The ketones produced through MCFA metabolism directly reduces hunger and appetite. Not only will you be able to monitor your meal size more effectively, but also reduce snacking between meals.

Prevents Diabetes

For those who are at high risk of diabetes, or who already suffer from this disease, regulating blood sugar is critical. Coconut oil’s fatty acids don’t require the production of excess digestive enzymes, which gives the pancreas a much-needed break, allowing it to more efficiently produce and release insulin. Proper insulin levels mean that your cells and organs received the glucose your body needs, preventing the spikes and drops in blood sugar that can lead to diabetes.

Treats Digestive Issues

The anti-inflammatory nature of coconut oil is well known, which helps it decrease irritation in the gut, speed bowel movements, and improve the overall function of the digestive system. Coconut oil is a natural laxative, helping to stimulate peristaltic motion and decrease bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea and even hemorrhoids. Adding a healthy dose of this oil before every meal can also ensure that the nutrients in your food are digested properly, preventing the need for overeating as a result of “mystery” hunger, resulting from nutrient deficiency. Obviously, this can lose weight, as can the laxative effect , given that it helps to “empty” your bowels more smoothly.

Regulates Hormone Levels

The production and release of hormones is a crucial aspect of our overall health, and hormones can’t be produced without some of the critical fats found in coconut oil. Without proper hormone production, your entire body becomes more chaotic, from metabolic efficiency to sex drive and appetite. Ensuring that you have proper hormone levels can help you lose weight simply by regulating your metabolism and desire to take in more calories!

What is the Best Coconut Oil to Use in Weight Loss?

The best coconut oil for weight loss is virgin organic coconut oil, sheawellnss organic coconut oil, as this is the purest type of oil you can find on the market. Virgin organic coconut oil means that it hasn’t been processed, which often eliminates or compromises some of the volatile fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins that can be accessed in pure coconut oil. Given the massive rise in popularity of coconut oil in recent decades, the availability has increased and the price has decreased, even for the purest forms, which is what you should be using if you are serious about weight loss.

Cabbage Soup Diet for Fast Weight loss

Cabbage Soup Diet for Fast Weight loss

With numerous eating routine rages out there in the market, you might not have known about the prevalent cabbage soup. This eating regimen has been given believably by various unmistakable Healthcare specialists. before beginning any new eating regimen, it is critical to find out about the points of interest of the eating routine, and also any restrictions, dangers, reactions, potential advantages and tips on the most proficient method to take after the eating routine for best outcomes.

What is a Cabbage Soup Diet?

According to Organic Facts
Cabbage soup diet is a nutritional plan that consists primarily of eating cabbage soup anywhere from 1-3 times per day, in addition to various other nutritional components, such as vegetables, lean meat, dairy products, fruit, and certain starches. This is a short-term diet that promises fast results, as it will let you cut your total caloric intake in half, at least, if you follow the specific directions every day. While many people labeled the cabbage soup diet as a fad, but there are a number of proven benefits to this strategy. It is considered an effective and safe way to lose weight quickly.

Cabbage Soup Diet Meal Plan

The basic structure of the cabbage soup diet is rather straightforward but is quite rigid. There are no limitations on the varieties of foods you can eat, but it is important to narrow down the range of foods you are eating to specific days. This is just to ensure you that you get enough nutrients over the course of the week, while also re-training your metabolism and appetite, which can help maintain your healthy habits moving forward. Most people choose to eat at 4-5 set intervals in a day to have balanced calorie intake and stabilized energy levels.

Day 1 – Cabbage soup and fruits, but no bananas.
Day 2 – Cabbage soup and vegetables, such as carrots, onions, celery, and asparagus. Avoid beans and corn. One starchy vegetable is allowed for dinner.
Day 3 – Cabbage soup, fruit and green vegetables. Avoid all starchy vegetables.
Day 4 – Cabbage soup, skim milk and bananas.
Day 5 – Cabbage soup, mixed with beef, as well as tomatoes and plenty of water.
Day 6 – Cabbage soup, along with beef and vegetables.
Day 7 – Cabbage soup with brown rice and vegetables.

How Does Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

A cabbage soup diet is based on the idea of caloric restriction, as we know that cabbage is a calorie-negative food. Essentially, it takes more  calories to burn cabbage in the digestive process than the food actually contains. By making cabbage soup the central part of this diet, it is believed that it helps speed up the metabolism and reduce calorie intake, without depriving the body of too many essential nutrients for too long.

As mentioned, this is only intended to be a short-term diet, as the limited caloric intake can eventually have negative effects on the body. While most people don’t go on this diet for more than 7 days, there are reports of people using this diet for a month, losing up to 30 pounds in the process. A caloric deficit of 50%, combined with semi-regular exercise, can result in rapid weight loss, provided you can deal with the potential side effects of this diet.

The inherent limitations of a cabbage soup diet are the duration it can be used for, the potential nutrient deficiencies, and the single-focus nature of the diet.

Duration: Unlike some diets that can become a permanent lifestyle change, the cabbage soup diet is typically only used for 3-10 days, although exceptions do apply. Since the duration is inherently limited , many people relapse or see the results they achieve disappear once they stop dieting and return to old patterns.

Nutrient Deficiency: Unless you know what you are doing or know a lot about specific nutrients in your diet, there is a good chance that this diet will result in certain nutrient deficiencies. While the basic [6]minerals and vitamins are largely covered, some entire food groups are eliminated on given days, making it difficult to acquire protein or carbohydrates.

Single Focus: Most diets include a comprehensive approach to lifestyle, diet, and exercise, but this diet is solely focused on your eating habits , which can be less effective than broader dietary approaches.


If you are considering going on the cabbage soup diet, the best advice includes speaking with your doctor, drinking your fruit, increasing water intake, eating a few fats every day, “fake” eating and keeping physically active, in moderation.

Water: Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day will help you feel full and speed up the detoxifying process, making you feel even better.

Drink Your Fruit: On the fruit days, try making smoothies, rather than eating the fruit whole. This will increase satiety, making you less aware of the low-calorie intake.

Sweet Treats: Allow yourself a few M&Ms or Tic-Tacs every day, as this can distract the body from the fact that it isn’t getting carbohydrates or fats.

Fake Eating: In desperate times, put a delicious food in your mouth, like a piece of cake, and let it sit on your tongue. You can even chew it a bit, but then spit it out. The taste will keep you from going crazy but the calories won’t go into your body!

Speak with Your Doctor: Perhaps most importantly, before embarking on this diet, it is essential that you speak to your doctor [8] about any particular risks or complications this diet might have for your health.


There are a few wonderful cabbage soup recipes that will make this rather challenging diet a bit easier for those who love variation and flavor in their food. The most important thing is that the cabbage soup is fat-free.

Recipe #1 – Basic Cabbage Soup


Olive Oil
4 teaspoons of chicken bouillon

Step 1 – Cook the garlic and onions in the olive oil in a heated saucepan for 5-7 minutes.

Step 2 – Add the salt, water, pepper, and bouillon. Stir continuously. Bring to a boil.

Step 3 – Add the chopped cabbage and allow it to simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the cabbage is wilted.

Step 4 – Allow simmering for another 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe #2 – Flavorful Cabbage Soup


Vegetable Broth
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Olive Oil

Step 1 – Cook all vegetables except for cabbage and tomatoes, in a large frying pan in olive oil, until the onions are transparent.

Step 2 – Add 6 cups of vegetable broth, as well as cabbage, spices, and tomatoes to the mixture.

Step 3 – Bring to a boil for 1-2 minutes, then reduce to a simmer.

Step 4 – Allow the mixture to simmer for 20-30 minutes before removing from heat and serving.
Rapid Weight Loss

Although individual results may vary with the cabbage soup diet, people can lose up to 10 pounds in a week when they stick closely to this diet plan. Cabbage soup is high in fiber, as well as low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and calories. This dietary fiber can help cleanse the digestive tract, thoroughly eliminating any excess waste, while also helping the body eliminate [4] water weight. For some people who retain water, the majority of the weight loss is from water, which is notorious for returning quickly after individuals go off their diet.

This isn’t the case with everyone, however, there are plenty of people who use the cabbage soup diet as a starting platform for a healthier approach to their eating habits. While some of the weight may come back, the awareness of the effect that healthy, low-fat food can have on the body is extremely valuable for all of us to know to ensure long-term wellness.
Side Effects of Cabbage Soup Diet

Eliminating nearly half your calories doesn’t come without a cost, most notably a drop in energy levels, poor gastrointestinal health, headaches, nausea, and excessive flatulence.

Stomach Issues: Many people experience cramping, stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea when they first begin this diet. This is a combination of changing your diet rapidly and reducing the normal nutrient content that your digestive system expects.

Flatulence: The most common and embarrassing side effect of a cabbage soup diet is the nearly constant flatulence. The gases released during cabbage digestion are unpleasant and difficult to avoid.

Nausea: Some people have experienced nausea, lightheartedness, muscle weakness and dizziness after a few days on a cabbage soup diet. This is largely due to the sudden drop  in calories, particularly if you have a relatively fast metabolism, or are an active person. While many people choose this diet for weight loss, others use it to detoxify, but depriving your body of calories can be dangerous.
Turmeric Side Effects You Must Know

Turmeric Side Effects You Must Know

Risk of Bleeding

The active ingredients in this spice are able to prevent blood clotting, which can be dangerous for people with bleeding disorders, or those who are older, as the skin thins with age, making this one of the worst turmeric side effects.

Stomach Issues

Since some turmeric powder supplements are made with filler products, such as cassava starch or wheat flour, it is possible that people with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease will have a negative gastrointestinal reaction to the supplements.


If you have already been diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), studies  have shown that taking this spice or supplement in large amounts can make the problem worse.

Gallbladder Problems

If you have gallstones or bile duct obstruction, it is unwise to take this supplemental spice, as it can worsen these problems.


Blood Pressure

This spice is known to lower the blood pressure, making it great for people with cardiovascular problems. However, when used in conjunction with hypotension medicine, it can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

Kidney Stones

Roughly 2% of turmeric is composed of oxalate, and at high levels, this can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. If you are already having kidney problems or a history of kidney stones, excessive use of this spice or supplement can make the issue worse.


The stimulant nature of this spice can cause uterine contractions , which can be dangerous in the early months of pregnancy, and could also induce labor in the later months, so it is best to avoid this spice while pregnant or nursing.

Allergic Reactions

Topical inflammation and internal allergic reactions are possible turmeric side effects, especially when it is consumed in large quantities. These can include itchy skin, redness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, and excess flatulence.


When taken orally in supplement levels, turmeric can cause a reduction in testosterone and low sperm motility, making it more difficult to conceive a child.

Iron Deficiency

When too much turmeric (and thus, curcumin) is in the body, it may suppress iron absorption in the gut, leading to anemia and other unwanted side effects.


If you have diabetes, you should use this spice with caution , as it is known to lower blood sugar in a measurable way. For diabetics who want to keep a stable glucose level, excessive supplementation with turmeric can be very dangerous.


Due to the anti-blood clotting properties of turmeric, it is unwise to take this supplement or spice prior to undergoing surgery, as it can result in complications and excessive bleeding.


High doses of turmeric have been known to cause headaches in some people, particularly after extended periods of using more than 500 milligrams per day.


Before using turmeric, it is important to take a few precautions, namely testing yourself for allergic reactions and speaking with your doctor about pre-existing conditions.

  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may not react to turmeric in their food, but in a concentrated form, a negative reaction is possible. Before making this supplement or topical remedy a regular practice, test with small amounts on your skin or when taken internally, and monitor how your body reacts.

  • Pre-Existing Conditions: If you have bleeding disorders or hypotension, as well as gallstones or diabetes, turmeric can exacerbate these conditions, or interfere with the medications you’ve been prescribed.