Turmeric Side Effects You Must Know

Risk of Bleeding

The active ingredients in this spice are able to prevent blood clotting, which can be dangerous for people with bleeding disorders, or those who are older, as the skin thins with age, making this one of the worst turmeric side effects.

Stomach Issues

Since some turmeric powder supplements are made with filler products, such as cassava starch or wheat flour, it is possible that people with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease will have a negative gastrointestinal reaction to the supplements.


If you have already been diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), studies  have shown that taking this spice or supplement in large amounts can make the problem worse.

Gallbladder Problems

If you have gallstones or bile duct obstruction, it is unwise to take this supplemental spice, as it can worsen these problems.


Blood Pressure

This spice is known to lower the blood pressure, making it great for people with cardiovascular problems. However, when used in conjunction with hypotension medicine, it can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

Kidney Stones

Roughly 2% of turmeric is composed of oxalate, and at high levels, this can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. If you are already having kidney problems or a history of kidney stones, excessive use of this spice or supplement can make the issue worse.


The stimulant nature of this spice can cause uterine contractions , which can be dangerous in the early months of pregnancy, and could also induce labor in the later months, so it is best to avoid this spice while pregnant or nursing.

Allergic Reactions

Topical inflammation and internal allergic reactions are possible turmeric side effects, especially when it is consumed in large quantities. These can include itchy skin, redness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, and excess flatulence.


When taken orally in supplement levels, turmeric can cause a reduction in testosterone and low sperm motility, making it more difficult to conceive a child.

Iron Deficiency

When too much turmeric (and thus, curcumin) is in the body, it may suppress iron absorption in the gut, leading to anemia and other unwanted side effects.


If you have diabetes, you should use this spice with caution , as it is known to lower blood sugar in a measurable way. For diabetics who want to keep a stable glucose level, excessive supplementation with turmeric can be very dangerous.


Due to the anti-blood clotting properties of turmeric, it is unwise to take this supplement or spice prior to undergoing surgery, as it can result in complications and excessive bleeding.


High doses of turmeric have been known to cause headaches in some people, particularly after extended periods of using more than 500 milligrams per day.


Before using turmeric, it is important to take a few precautions, namely testing yourself for allergic reactions and speaking with your doctor about pre-existing conditions.

  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may not react to turmeric in their food, but in a concentrated form, a negative reaction is possible. Before making this supplement or topical remedy a regular practice, test with small amounts on your skin or when taken internally, and monitor how your body reacts.

  • Pre-Existing Conditions: If you have bleeding disorders or hypotension, as well as gallstones or diabetes, turmeric can exacerbate these conditions, or interfere with the medications you’ve been prescribed.

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