Prevents Fat Storage
One of the primary health advantages that this oil delivers is in the form of saturated fats. Most people hear the word fat and think that it is a negative aspect of a food, but saturated fats come in many forms, and the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil are quite unique. Unlike long-chain fatty acids, these MCFAs are able to easily permeate cell membranes and are easily digested by the body. Furthermore, they are not stored as fat but instead delivered directly to the liver to be converted into energy.
Boosts Metabolism
One of the most passive ways to help increase weight loss is to boost your metabolism. Coconut oil, as mentioned, contains high levels of medium-chain fatty acids, and research has directly linked these MCFAs to increased energy expenditure over the course of a day, meaning that your body’s fat-burning efficiency is increased when these types of fats are introduced to your diet.
Reduces Appetite
When you consume this beneficial oil before having each of your meals, it can significantly reduce your appetite, which results in less calorie intake. It is believed that this appetite suppression [3] is due to how medium-chain fatty acids are metabolized by the body. The ketones produced through MCFA metabolism directly reduces hunger and appetite. Not only will you be able to monitor your meal size more effectively, but also reduce snacking between meals.
Prevents Diabetes
For those who are at high risk of diabetes, or who already suffer from this disease, regulating blood sugar is critical. Coconut oil’s fatty acids don’t require the production of excess digestive enzymes, which gives the pancreas a much-needed break, allowing it to more efficiently produce and release insulin. Proper insulin levels mean that your cells and organs received the glucose your body needs, preventing the spikes and drops in blood sugar that can lead to diabetes.
Treats Digestive Issues
The anti-inflammatory nature of coconut oil is well known, which helps it decrease irritation in the gut, speed bowel movements, and improve the overall function of the digestive system. Coconut oil is a natural laxative, helping to stimulate peristaltic motion and decrease bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea and even hemorrhoids. Adding a healthy dose of this oil before every meal can also ensure that the nutrients in your food are digested properly, preventing the need for overeating as a result of “mystery” hunger, resulting from nutrient deficiency. Obviously, this can lose weight, as can the laxative effect , given that it helps to “empty” your bowels more smoothly.
Regulates Hormone Levels
The production and release of hormones is a crucial aspect of our overall health, and hormones can’t be produced without some of the critical fats found in coconut oil. Without proper hormone production, your entire body becomes more chaotic, from metabolic efficiency to sex drive and appetite. Ensuring that you have proper hormone levels can help you lose weight simply by regulating your metabolism and desire to take in more calories!
What is the Best Coconut Oil to Use in Weight Loss?
The best coconut oil for weight loss is virgin organic coconut oil, sheawellnss organic coconut oil, as this is the purest type of oil you can find on the market. Virgin organic coconut oil means that it hasn’t been processed, which often eliminates or compromises some of the volatile fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins that can be accessed in pure coconut oil. Given the massive rise in popularity of coconut oil in recent decades, the availability has increased and the price has decreased, even for the purest forms, which is what you should be using if you are serious about weight loss.