Tomato juice has been a significant staple for a considerable length of time, as tomatoes are to a great degree famous vegetables, simple to juice, and are found all through the world. Tomato juice is gotten from tomatoes, which are deductively known as Solanum lycopersicum, yet there are a wide range of assortments and size of tomatoes, regularly reliant on where on the planet they develop. Most by far of tomatoes are red in shading and range in estimate, from the measure of a grape to the span of a potato – and some can become significantly bigger! These enduring plants are generally simple to develop in various situations, in spite of the fact that they are local to Mexico, where they are an exceptionally profitable product. Tomatoes and their juice give a rich supply of lycopene and different carotenoids, and various phytochemicals, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, iron and calcium, making it a viable treatment or supplement for various well being conditions.
Tomato juice is ordinarily sold in stores the world over, albeit numerous individuals like to make their own tomato squeeze at home, which implies that it is 100% juice, with no added substances or abundance sodium. Truth be told, most specialists prescribe not buying tomato juice at a store on the off chance that you can make it yourself. While numerous individuals believe that organic products regularly lose a portion of their [11] nutrients in the squeezing procedure, tomato squeeze really has more bio-accessibility as far as nutrients, because of the way toward making the juice. This implies tomato juice is much more impactful for your general well being, prompting the numerous noteworthy advantages illustrated beneath.
Benefits of Tomato Juice
The excellent benefits of tomato juice include improving digestion, helping in weight-loss, lowering toxicity levels in the body, suppressing cholesterol, boosting bone strength, aiding vision, preventing certain cancers, supporting cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation.
Fights Obesity
The high content of fiber and nutrient density in tomato juice can make it a very filling beverage. In fact, drinking a glass of thick tomato juice can often feel like a meal in itself! This juice can stimulate the release of leptin, the satiety hormone , which will prevent overeating and snacking between meals, thereby helping in weight loss.
Lowers Cholesterol
The dietary fiber that is included in tomato juice can significantly lower your negative (LDL) cholesterol levels, which can clear out your arteries and improve your cardiovascular health. Furthermore, some of the B vitamins in this juice also optimize heart health and strengthen blood vessel walls to resist plaque buildup.
Prevents Cancer
Lycopene does more than give tomatoes their signature color; it can also help to prevent various cancers. Along with other carotenoid antioxidants, lycopene can seek out and neutralize free radicals, which contribute to cellular mutation and oxidative stress in the body. More specifically, research has shown that tomato juice can significantly lower an individual’s risk of pancreatic cancer.
Improves Heart Health
In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, tomato juice has also been linked to neutralizing homocysteine , which can damage blood vessels and interrupt normal heart function. The phytonutrients found in this juice can also prevent blood clotting, lowering your risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Reduces Inflammatory
Inflammatory conditions can attack any part of the body, from the gut and joints to the muscles, head and organ system tissues. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in tomato juice do have anti-inflammatory effects , making this an excellent juice with which to start your day, keeping you pain-free and comfortable all day long!
Protects Vision
High levels of vitamin A found in this juice mean that it can help aid and protect vision health. Vitamin A functions as an antioxidant, reducing the oxidative stress in the center of the retina, thereby supporting vision as we age, while also slowing the onset of cataracts.
Improves Bone Mineral Density
With notable levels of potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium, tomato juice is naturally linked to healthier bones and more bone mineral density. This is excellent for people as they age, or if you have other risk factors for osteoporosis, such as mineral deficiencies or an eating disorder.
Detoxifies your Body
Some of the active ingredients in tomato juice, such as beta-carotene and sulfur, can help to stimulate the activity of the kidneys and liver, helping to speed the detoxification process [10] and increase urination which further eliminates excess salts and fats in the body.
Improves Digestion
This juice has a good amount of fiber, which can increase peristaltic motion and improve digestive efficiency, while also stimulating bile production and eliminating issues like constipation, bloating, cramping and excess flatulence.
How to Make Tomato Juice?
While tomato juice is available in almost every grocery store, many people prefer to make it at home, which isn’t too hard to do! All you need are some tomatoes, onions and spices for your own delicious, hearty beverage , without many of the other additives or salt that is so often included in store-bought varieties.
6-8 large tomatoes, cored and chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1/4 cup of onion, chopped
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
Step 1 – Add all ingredients to a large pot and heat to a simmer.
Step 2 – Continue cooking until the consistency is like a soup (approximately 20 minutes)
Step 3 – Allow mixture to cool, then add to a blender.
Step 4 – Blend thoroughly for even consistency.
Step 5 – Serve and enjoy!
Note: This recipe will make a 3-4 servings of tomato juice. Refrigerate the juice and shake thoroughly before serving.